There is no standard day for Andy, a Project Engineer at 澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation. 有一天,他正在家里进行SharePoint的新部署, and the next he could be loading 100-pound battery backups into a network rack at a client site. 安迪已经为今天的任务做好了准备, 无论是花几个小时开车去现场工作, 或者舒服地坐在办公桌前. Andy’s career at Bellwether began more than 10 years ago when he started out as a Service Desk Technician shortly after he finished college. 他花了[…]
澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation is a New Orleans Top Workplace 2019 – 2024
(新奥尔良, 路易斯安那州, 6月23日, 2024) -澳门网赌大全网址科技公司 is recognized as a Top Workplace by The Times-Picayune and The New Orleans Advocate for the sixth consecutive year. This award is determined entirely by employee feedback collected through a third-party survey that assesses crucial elements of employee experience, 包括尊重和支持的感觉, 成长机会, 赋予他们的角色权力. “Being recognized as a Top Workplace is a significant achievement because it comes directly from the voices of our employees,史蒂文·埃利斯说, 澳门网赌大全网址公司首席执行官. “我们努力成为一个有才华的专业人士想要的地方[…]
Have you been hesitant to upgrade your organization’s 微软365 subscriptions from Standard to Premium because you’re not sure it’s worth the extra cost? 对增加支出持谨慎态度是可以理解的. 然而, it might be time to reevaluate the long-term value and return on investment (ROI) that the Premium subscription offers, 特别是在安全方面. Understanding the Difference Between Standard and Premium 微软365 Business Premium includes advanced security features designed to counter modern cyber threats. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 标准订阅只提供基本保障, 这可能不足以对抗当今复杂的网络攻击. 升级到金币更好[…]
阅读更多现在开始计划Windows 10停止支持
Microsoft has announced that Windows 10 will reach its End of Life (EOL) in October 2025. EOL refers to the date when Microsoft officially ends support for the operating system (OS), 包括软件更新, 安全补丁, 以及技术援助. 在EOL(或终止支持)日期之后, Windows 10系统将不再接收这些重要的更新和服务. The implications of Windows 10 EOL are significant for businesses still running the operating system. 没有持续的支持, Windows 10 will become increasingly vulnerable to security threats as new weaknesses are discovered. Additionally, businesses may encounter compatibility issues with newer software […]
Understanding that Microsoft Copilot can make work faster and more efficient is valuable, 但这是实际的, 真实世界的应用程序真正证明了它的有用性. The application of this advanced AI within your team’s daily tasks is where the abstract concept of AI meets the concrete reality of improved workflows and productivity. 微软熟悉的工具——word, Excel, Outlook和powerpoint可能在办公桌上很常见, but Copilot’s integration with these applications shows up differently depending on the user’s role. This article offers a glimpse into how your team can harness Copilot in ways that matter most to their specific duties. 我们正在分享这些[…]
Have you ever wished for an assistant who understands your needs perfectly and helps with your daily tasks? 这正是你从微软365的Copilot中得到的, 人工智能合作伙伴集成到您的微软环境. It’s designed to understand and respond to your instructions as naturally as you’d talk to a person. To make the most out of Copilot, there are a few simple strategies you can learn to engage with it. Prompt engineering is the term that has been coined to describe the process of interacting with AI tools such as Copilot. 它指的是周到的[…]
阅读更多澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation Named to CRN’s 2024 Managed Service Provider 500 List
(新奥尔良, 2024年4月2日) -澳门网赌大全网址科技公司, 管理IT服务的领先供应商, 宣布CRN®, Channel公司旗下品牌, has named the company to its Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the Pioneer 250 category for 2024. This marks the 11th consecutive year BTC has been selected for this prestigious list. The MSP 500 list annually honors managed IT service providers who have demonstrated their ability to successfully deliver IT solutions that empower clients to improve their operations and fuel overall growth. Bellwether has built a business model focused on providing comprehensive managed […]
网络威胁以惊人的复杂程度不断演变. The unsettling reality is that cyber intruders may already be navigating through your network undetected if you don’t have Managed Detection and Response (MDR) as part of your cybersecurity strategy. Consider this scenario: an employee clicks on a seemingly innocent email link, 引导他们进入一个巧妙伪装的登录页面. Believing it to be legitimate, they input their username and password, and think nothing of it. What actually just happened is that they gave their credentials to a cyber-criminal. Once an intruder gains access to an individual’s corporate account they enter the […]
阅读更多澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation被列入2024年250家科技精英名单
(新奥尔良, 洛杉矶- 3月18日, 2024) 澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation is on the 2024 Tech Elite 250 list published by CRN, Channel公司旗下品牌. 这份年度榜单突出了美国各地的解决方案提供商.S. 加拿大在提供尖端IT解决方案方面表现出色, standing out for their top-tier certifications and specializations from leading technology vendors in infrastructure, 云, 安全域. 在澳门网赌大全网址, the earning of company and individual certifications represents the team’s depth of knowledge, skill and commitment to staying up to date with the latest technology advancements. 虽然这些认证是对我们[…]
An IT career isn’t explicitly reserved for engineers and technology specialists. 对于像劳伦这样的人, 谁是澳门网赌大全网址公司的商业分析师, you can excel without a background in IT if you’re willing to jump in and learn new things. In her position that involves documenting all of Bellwether’s internal processes, 劳伦用她对学习的热爱来弄清楚事情是如何运作的, 了解流程, 看看哪里可以改进. “我一直在学习,”劳伦解释说. “我尽可能多地吸收, 把碎片拼在一起, 并成为技术和面向客户之间的桥梁或翻译[…]